Monday, October 29, 2012

Your Outrage Is Overstated Re: Libya

The deaths of 4 Americans in Libya was a tragic and horrible thing. I don't think a single person would ever insinuate otherwise, and through just investigation and determining the facts and not a political rush to judgement, the perpetrators and the mistakes made by the US State Department will be held accountable and brought to bear.

It is understandable to launch inquiry and question the handling of the Libya attacks by the Obama Administration, as there do seem to be a lot of failings both internally and externally. I believe in due course this will be addressed. What is NOT ok is hearing people describe this as a scandal that is worse than has ever been for any sitting President.

Any scandal for any sitting President.

(none of these validate or marginalize the death of the 4 Americans in Libya, I am simply making a point)

Like.....Watergate? Where the president diverted a slush fund to pay operatives of his own staff to break into the offices of the DNC to gain an advantage and subvert the upcoming election?

Like...the Iran Contra Scandal? Selling thousands of arms by senior Administration officials to a country that there was a sitting embargo on and resulting in the deaths of countless people so they could fund a war that was prohibited from being funded?

Like...the Soviet War in Afghanistan where we armed and trained the Mujahadeen only until it served our interests and then basically left them to die creating a bitter group that ultimately became Al Qaeda that launched the worst attack on the United States since Pearl Harbor?

Like.... the 2nd Iraq War, where there were implications of the possession of weapons of mass destruction which justified the invasion of Iraq and resulted in the deaths of 100,000+ civilians (and thousands of military casualties as well) and then revealed there was no WMDs and the information had been fabricated?

Your outrage is completely unjustified. The actions taken over the past 30 years (and hey before I forget what about that NOT war Vietnam?) Yes, there was a terrible mistake made and lives were lost. But to say this is the worst actions taken by any president ever? You need to review history, not through your rose colored glasses of the perfection of the GOP but the absolute truth of what lies and deception have wrought over the past years. Recognize that what we reap is sown, and we still feel today the reverberations of the appalling actions taken by our REPUBLICAN leaders even 30 years ago. You are a party of shame, of astounding hipocrisy and your actions will also be brought to bear. And you will be held accountable.

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